Want to join BB?

You can join at any time of the year!


There is plenty of information on this page (be sure to check out our FAQs), if you have any more questions you can contact us on Facebook or by email.


How to join:

Step 1: complete a registration form HERE

Step 2: join us one Friday night during the school term at 6pm at Mount Isa Baptist Church.

If you don't have a uniform for the first couple of weeks that's OK! Just wear closed in shoes as a minimum.

Step 3: once you have decided that BB is for you, order a uniform from us - speak to one of our friendly leaders one Friday night to arrange this. 

We have some second hand uniforms for free (subject to availability).


Registration Form

Absence Form


Uniform Shop


What is Boys' Brigade about?

The Object of Boys' Brigade is...

"The advancement of Christ's kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness."

The Boys' Brigade is a worldwide network that has been successfully operating children and youth programs for 140 years. Boys' Brigade (BB) provides young boys with a mix of fun, adventure, and challenge. BB mentors and empowers each member to reach their potential, building their resilience and enabling them to find their place in leading and impacting their world today and into the future.

With the Christian faith at its centre, Boy's Brigade has a proven track record for reaching out to the local community proving balanced 4-sided developmental programs (Physical, Spiritual, Educational, and Social) for young men of all backgrounds, abilities, and interests, BB broadens their horizons and skills with local, national and international recognition for their achievements.


Want to know more?

Check out Boys Brigade Queensland or Boys' Brigade Australia.


What do we do at BB?

Every night at Boy's Brigade is different!

We run a varied program that includes a mix of:

  • Christian teaching (bible studies, devotions, topical studies);
  • life skills development (mechanics/woodwork, cooking, public speaking, knot tying, outdoor survival skills);
  • physical development (sports, wrestling, general athletics);
  • cognitive development (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics [STEM] projects);
  • discipline (uniform deportment, drill/marching); and
  • respect (team building activities and challenges, fundraising, and service to the community).

We also run local camps. Recent camps have included the following themes:

  • Survival of the Fittest;
  • Gone Fishin' at Karumba;
  • Fear Factor Company Camp;
  • Lawn Hill Expedition; and
  • Spring Creek Expedition.

Membership in our company also gives the boys the opportunity to participate in state and nationally-run camps. For more information on these camps head to the Boys' Brigade Queensland and Boys' Brigade Australia websites.


Costs and Payment details

Enrolment fees

Term fees are $44 per term per child. Invoices will be sent to parents by email, payment can be made by direct deposit. A discount of $11 per child is applied if a full year is paid by the due date noted on the invoice sent in term 1.


Detailed uniform information can be viewed HERE.

Rough estimates of uniform prices are:

  • Anchors $60 (plus own sourced shorts and shoes)
  • Juniors $90 (plus own-sourced shorts and shoes)
  • Seniors $120 (plus own sourced trousers and shoes)

The above prices are the most you will pay for new items, we usually have a stock of second-hand items available free of charge - so there is a good chance you can be kitted out for a bit less.

Payment details

Account Name: Mount Isa Baptist Church 1st Mount Isa Boys' Brigade

BSB: 704 -913

Account number: 100000778

Reference: Boys' name + Invoice Number


1st Mount Isa Boys'Brigade, in partnership with Mount Isa Baptist Church take safety very seriously. You can read more about our Safe Church Strategy here.


Meet the team (order in photo appearance) 

Captain - Gary Lewis

Lieutenant Jeremy Jones

Lieutenant Boy Page

Lieutenant Janette Lewis

Lieutenant Nathanael Lewis


Snapshots of Boys' Brigade

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